Betegközpontú és paternalisztikus kapcsolatépítés az orvos-beteg viszonyban. A kapcsolatépítés pragmatikai és szupraszegmentális jellemzői
The relationship between healthcare professionals and patients plays a central role in patient care.
Relationship building is an active, dynamic process unfolding in interactions, shaped by both verbal and
non-verbal elements of communication.
The goal of the present study is to highlight characteristic linguistic patterns of patient-centred and
paternalistic styles of relationship building on the basis of an analysis of 8 instructional videos recorded
with professional actors, simulating situations in healthcare. The 8 encounters feature 4 situations (at G.P.
consultations), each enacted according to both the patient-centred and the paternalistic model of doctor
behaviour. The study primarily focuses on suprasegmental features of semantically and syntactically
(quasi)equivalent utterances contributing to relationship building, treating them much like prosodic minimal
pairs. Moreover, it also analyses the functioning of these utterances from a global, pragmatic perspective.
As the analysis shows, beyond differences in the participants’ actions, knowledge representations,
emotion-related communication and body language, the two styles of relationship building also diverge in
terms of suprasegmental features, although in the sample under study, the discrepancies rarely amount to
statistically verifiable trends