A konfliktus mint narratív újrakonstruálás. A KÖZLÉS hozzáférhetővé tétele az egészségügyi dolgozók konfliktushelyzeteinek elbeszéléseiben
Building on the results of cognitive semantics and adopting a pragmatic viewpoint, the paper interprets
episodes of narrative exposure to conflicts as reconstruals. It highlights acts of communication in a study
of metareflections that profile the speaker’s or another participant’s language activity, mental-emotional
processes as well as sensory experiences in the recollection of events.
In the study, we analysed the construal of communication in semi-structured interviews conducted
with 5 physicians and 5 nurses, using MAXQDA software to generate both qualitative and quantitative
results. Key analytic criteria included construction types designating communication; varied construals
of communicated content; and the semantics of verbs with which the speech act of communication was
Through the analysis of conceptual and linguistic construals of communication, the research seeks
to explore the role played by communication in conflict narratives and its contribution to the linguistic
elaborations of conflict.