A Dynamic Usage-based Approach to the Longitudinal Development of Verb Argument Constructions in Second Language Writing
This study investigated the longitudinal development of verb argument constructions (VACs) in second language (L2) writing from a dynamic usage-based (DUB) perspective. 14 argumentative essays (seven from each participant) were collected from two Hungarian English as a foreign language (EFL) learners over seven months. The aim of the study was to explore how the frequency and strength of associations of verb argument constructions develop and interact over time. The essays were analysed with the Tool for the Automatic Analysis of Syntactic Sophistication and Complexity (TAASSC) (Kyle, 2016). Locally weighted scatterplot smoothing (LOWESS) was applied
to visualize the trend lines of one frequency index (average lemma construction frequency) and three strength of association indices (average faith score construction, average delta p score verb, and collostruction ratio). Moving correlations were calculated to explore the dynamic interactions between
the frequency and the three strength of association indices. This study found that both the frequency and the strength of association indices developed nonlinearly and the magnitude and the polarity of the interactions between the frequency and the three strength of associations indices fluctuated over the seven-month period.