A Közel-Kelet a hidegháború éveiben. Az Egyesült Államok és a Szovjetunió versenye a Közel-Kelet arab államaiért
Date: 2022
Subject: Cold War in the Middle East
Baghdad Pact
Arab nationalism
Gamal Abdel Nasser
United Arab Republic
Baghdad Pact
Arab nationalism
Gamal Abdel Nasser
United Arab Republic
In this study, I examine the geopolitical competition between the Uni-ted States and the Soviet Union in the Middle East. I present the main goals of the superpowers and how they tried to strengthen their influence in the Arab countries. As a result of the American-Soviet rivalry, Arab nationalism, which proclaimed Arab unity, emerged as a serious political force in the Middle East. In my essay, I examine how the idea of Arab nationalism and the United Arab Republic which relied on it, have tried to resist of the significant pressure from the United States and the Soviet Union.