Author | Nagy, Tamás Milán | |
Author | Knapp, Krisztina | |
Author | Illyés, Eszter | |
Author | Timári, István | |
Author | Schlosser, Gitta | |
Author | Csík, Gabriella | |
Author | Borics, Attila | |
Author | Majer, Zsuzsa | |
Author | Kövér, Katalin E | |
Availability Date | 2022-07-22T08:24:10Z | |
Availability Date | 2022-07-22T08:24:10Z | |
Release | 2018 | |
uri dc.identifier.uri | | |
Abstract dc.description.abstract | Ultra-violet (UV) irradiation has a significant impact on the structure and function of proteins that is supposed to be in relationship with the tryptophan-mediated photolysis of disulfide bonds. To investigate the correlation between the photoexcitation of Trp residues in polypeptides and the associated reduction of disulfide bridges, a series of small, cyclic oligopeptide models were analyzed in this work. Average distances between the aromatic side chains and the disulfide bridge were determined following molecular mechanics (MM) geometry optimizations. In this way, the possibility of cation–π interactions was also investigated. Molecular mechanics calculations revealed that the shortest distance between the side chain of the Trp residues and the disulfide bridge is approximately 5 Å in the cyclic pentapeptide models. Based on this, three tryptophan-containing cyclopeptide models were synthesized and analyzed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Experimental data and detailed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were in good agreement with MM geometry calculations. Selected model peptides were subjected to photolytic degradation to study the correlation of structural features and the photolytic cleavage of disulfide bonds in solution. Formation of free sulfhydryl groups upon illumination with near UV light was monitored by fluorescence spectroscopy after chemical derivatization with 7-diethylamino-3-(4-maleimidophenyl)-4-methylcoumarin (CPM) and mass spectrometry. Liquid cromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) measurements indicated the presence of multiple photooxidation products (e.g., dimers, multimers and other oxidated products), suggesting that besides the photolysis of disulfide bonds secondary photolytic processes take place. | |
Language dc.language | Angol | |
dc.rights | Nevezd meg! CC BY | |
dc.rights.uri | | |
Title dc.title | Photochemical and Structural Studies on Cyclic Peptide Models | |
Type dc.type | folyóiratcikk | |
Date Change | 2022-05-16T09:23:05Z | |
Doi ID dc.identifier.doi | 10.3390/molecules23092196 | |
Wos ID dc.identifier.wos | 000447365100107 | |
ID Scopus dc.identifier.scopus | 85052664471 | |
MTMT ID dc.identifier.mtmt | 3408305 | |
Issue Number dc.identifier.issue | 9 | |
abbreviated journal dc.identifier.jabbrev | MOLECULES | |
Journal dc.identifier.jtitle | MOLECULES | |
Volume Number dc.identifier.volume | 23 | |
Release Date dc.description.issuedate | 2018 | |
Pubmed ID dc.identifier.pubmed | 30200264 | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | Kiroptikai Szerkezetvizsgáló Laboratórium (KSzL) | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | MTA-ELTE Peptidkémiai Kutatócsoport | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | Biofizikai és Sugárbiológiai Intézet | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | Analitikai Kémiai Tanszék | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | Semmelweis Egyetem | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | Szerves Kémiai Tanszék | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | Szervetlen és Analitikai Kémiai Tanszék | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | Szerves Kémiai Tanszék | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | Hevesy György Kémia Doktori Iskola | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | Kémia Doktori Iskola | |
Author institution dc.contributor.department | Szervetlen és Analitikai Kémiai Tanszék | |
Author institution dc.contributor.department | Szerves Kémiai Tanszék | |
Author institution dc.contributor.department | Szervetlen és Analitikai Kémiai Tanszék | |
Author institution dc.contributor.department | MTA-ELTE Peptidkémiai Kutatócsoport | |
Author institution dc.contributor.department | Biofizikai és Sugárbiológiai Intézet | |
Author institution dc.contributor.department | Biokémiai Intézet | |
Author institution dc.contributor.department | Kiroptikai Szerkezetvizsgáló Laboratórium (KSzL) | |
Author institution dc.contributor.department | Szervetlen és Analitikai Kémiai Tanszék |
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