Quaestio Rossica – Egy fiatalkorú folyóirat felnőtté válásának folyamata
Date: 2020
Subject: Russian studies
Quaestio Rossica
Ural Federal University
Quaestio Rossica
Ural Federal University
This article seeks to present the last years of the peer-reviewed academic journal Quaestio Rossica from the beginnings to our days. The journal was founded in 2013, but during these seven years it has become an important academic journal in the area of Russian studies. The author introduces the objectives of the foundation as well as the quality criteria expected of authors by the editorial board. Namely, why it was founded, who can publish in the journal, what kind of contributions are welcome. Then, the article goes on assessing how the journal could attain its main objectives. To that end, the author presents the summary of some of the articles published in the journal. Besides, he also introduces different statistical data concerning the journal accessed from the web, and the website “www.elibrary.ru”. The most important data are as follows: how many articles were published in the journal, how many times these articles were cited. On the whole, the journal attained its main objectives: it has become a bridge among Russian and foreign (not Russian) scholars, and it is possible to publish in it articles of various disciplines falling in the range of Russian culture.