Purpose and reality
Date: 2013
Subject: definition
"minority code"
illusion versus disillusionment
"minority code"
illusion versus disillusionment
The study deals with the overall nature of the national minorities issue in Hungary; more especially, it looks at the international and domestic aspects as well. The Prime Minister's Office analyzed the UN Charter. The Provisional Government also prepared a framework for a law on national minorities in Hungary. However booth documents remained nothing more than conceptions and ideas. Following World War II leading government circles attempted to set up an international and regional system for the protection of minority rights. However the victorious powers looked for an alternative "solution". They attempted to "re-establish the balance" of national-ethnic and state-territorial status-quo by evictions and bilateral population exchanges. During the Peace Conference, none of the victorious powers was ready to support a settlement of minority issues in any form or with any guarantees.