Employee Involvement as a Tool to Promote Social Justice
Date: 2014
Subject: jogtudomány
szociális jog
Jogi Tanulmányok
szociális jog
Jogi Tanulmányok
MTMT: 2747290
This paper will argue for the positive effects of employee involvement, not only in
connecting economic growth to human development as one of the key goals of social
justice, but also in enhancing democracy through the empowerment of workers by
involving them in decisions made on matters affecting the main areas of their working
The importance of the employees‟ voice, once seen as a shared value in the European
Union, has now become one of the major targets of deregulation. Employee
representation has increasingly been seen as ineffective instrument to increase
competitiveness, despite the fact that the obligation of involvement follows from the
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the Revised European Social
Charter, making employee involvement a part of the legal framework of European
democracy. Based on the current trends in economic policy, it is clear that social justice
cannot be vested solely in the good will of governments, but shall be seen as a mutual
interest of both state and economic actors, particularly employers and employees.
I also take the liberty to argue that the right to be involved in decisions affecting
one‟s employment should not be seen as a privilege of European citizens, especially in
companies operating on a transnational scale who largely benefit from the cheap labor
and low influential power of employees of their offshore plants. This paper will also
examine whether the extension of the personal scope of EU Directives concerning
participation could serve as a tool to involve employees in decision-making processes at
multinational corporations.