Mi történik a földrajzórákon? Látrajz a földrajztanításról egy felmérés és a szakmódszertani tanórák tapasztalatai alapján
Date: 2017-09-28
Subject: geography education
learning geography
analytical knowledge model
practical knowledge model
culture of methodology
teaching-learning techniques
classroom and home learning
földrajz oktatás
földrajz tanulás
analitikus tudás modell
gyakorlati tudás modell
a módszertan kultúrája
tanítási-tanulási technikák
tantermi és otthoni tanulás
learning geography
analytical knowledge model
practical knowledge model
culture of methodology
teaching-learning techniques
classroom and home learning
földrajz oktatás
földrajz tanulás
analitikus tudás modell
gyakorlati tudás modell
a módszertan kultúrája
tanítási-tanulási technikák
tantermi és otthoni tanulás
The geography as subject cannot accomplish its unique attitude-forming and knowledge-transferring role in the Hungarian schools since decades. Not only because of the discrepancy that on the one side enormous quantity of the syllabus should be elaborated, while on the other side the curriculum provides disproportionately few time for this purpose, but also therefore, because the geography education and learning do not rest upon competence-developing methods. A survey related to the customs of geography learning proves that there is a backwardness; a considerable part of the teachers use still frontal methods,
while the students cannot learn to reflect and cannot learn, how they must learn.