A Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt újjáalakulása és útja a parlamentbe (1989-1990)
Date: 2016
From the mandate winning parties of 1990’s National Assembly the Christian Democratic People's Party (KDNP) was the last to stand up. It’s the organizing started just in the spring before.
What did it require from a party reorganised after the end of communism to meet the 4 % election threshold? Participation in the National Round Table Talks? An extended network of organization and broad membership? International connections? Persuasive characters? Historical roots?
In my study I examine the KDNP in the viewpoint of these questions. What kind of organizational difficulties did it have to face, and how did it manage to benefit from the heritage of the predecessor – the Democratic People’s Party (DNP), greatest oppositional party in 1947. Was the 6,5 % result on the election of ’90 a success or a failure?
In my research I relied primarily on archival records or interviews made by myself. Kovács K. Zoltán, active KDNP organiser, devised a significant amount of his writings on the National Archives of Hungary. Besides a very important source was an interview recorded on several cassette with Keresztes Sándor, refounding president of KDNP, that is available in National Széchényi Library. I relied also on relevant studies from Szabó Róbert, press of the period, as well books and writings concerning the end of communism. Besides the written and other sources available I also made several interviews myself, including interviews with Semjén Zsolt, Kónya Imre and Archabbot Várszegi Asztrik.
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