Author | Csizér, Kata | |
Author | Albert, Ágnes | |
Author | Piniel, Katalin | |
Availability Date | 2016-07-29T09:47:36Z | |
Availability Date | 2016-07-29T09:47:36Z | |
Release | 2015 | |
uri dc.identifier.uri | | |
Abstract dc.description.abstract | Készült az ELTE Felsőoktatási Struktúraátalakítási Alapból támogatott programja keretében. Szeminárium MA-s hallgatóknak | hu_HU |
Language dc.language | angol | hu_HU |
Keywords dc.subject | FSA 2015 | hu_HU |
Keywords dc.subject | ELT for a Global World programcsomag | hu_HU |
Keywords dc.subject | tananyag | hu_HU |
Keywords dc.subject | óravázlat | hu_HU |
Keywords dc.subject | slides | hu_HU |
Keywords dc.subject | research | hu_HU |
Keywords dc.subject | research paradigm | hu_HU |
Keywords dc.subject | quality control | hu_HU |
Keywords dc.subject | qualitative studies | hu_HU |
Keywords dc.subject | interview studies | hu_HU |
Keywords dc.subject | data analysis | hu_HU |
Keywords dc.subject | case studies | hu_HU |
Keywords dc.subject | classroom research | hu_HU |
Title dc.title | Researching English Language Teaching | hu_HU |
Type dc.type | egyéb | |
Version dc.description.version | jováhagyott változat | hu_HU |
Language dc.language.rfc3066 | eng | |
Rights dc.rights.holder | Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem | hu_HU |
Abstract in English dc.description.abstracteng | Supported by the Higher Education Restructuring Fund allocated to ELTE by the Hungarian Government. A seminar course for MA in TESOL students. Week 1: Introduction Week 2: Differences between the quantitative and qualitative research paradigm Week 3 & 4: Quality control Week 5: Interview studies Week 6: Case studies Week 7: Questionnaire study Week 8: Classroom research Week 9: Action research Week 10: Quantitative data analysis Week 11: Qualitative data analysis Week 12: Summary | hu_HU |
Scope | 150 | hu_HU |
Place of publication | Budapest | hu_HU |
access dc.rights.access | egyetemi IP | hu_HU |
Subtitle dc.title.subtitle | A seminar course for MA in TESOL students | hu_HU |
Class dc.type.genre | nem besorolt | hu_HU |
Type dc.type.resrep | nem tudományos | hu_HU |
Author dc.contributor.inst | ELTE Bölcsészettudományi Kar Angol-Amerikai Intézet Angol Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Tanszék | hu_HU |
Type dc.type.type | óravázlat | hu_HU |
Release Date dc.description.issuedate | 2015 | hu_HU |