Habsburg-Lotaringiai Mária Leopoldina főhercegnő élete Brazília függetlenné válásának idején
Date: 2024
Subject: nineteenth century
MTMT: 35178968
DOI: 10.61498/OK2024-1.05
This study aims to provide a Hungarian-language overview of the life and role of the Austrian Archduchess Leopoldina, who became the first Empress of Brazil and rained at the time of Brazil’s independence. Leopoldina’s marriage to Crown Prince Peter connected the houses of Habsburg-Lorraine and Braganza after the Congress of Vienna. The union aimed to strengthen dynastic, political, and economic ties during the period of monarchical restoration and the Holy Alliance. Leopoldina left behind numerous letters, which have become important historical sources. Despite several books being written about her life, no complete biography has been published in Hungarian. The aim of this study is to fill that gap by presenting Leopoldina’s life in
Brazil, exploring her role in the independence struggles, and examining her influence on Austro-Brazilian relations. The study seeks to provide an objective assessment of Leopoldina’s role, avoiding both exaggeration and romantic nostalgia. It relies on international literature, letters, diplomatic reports, and other contemporary documents. By investigating the circumstances and experiences of Leopoldina’s trip to Brazil, her contributions to Brazilian independence, and the involvement of Hungarian participants in the expedition, the study aims to determine her impact on shaping political events, and concludes that her cultural influence and popularity still persist in Brazil and Austria today.