Author | Berta, Judit | |
Author | Török, Szilvia | |
Author | Tárnoki-Zách, Júlia | |
Author | Drozdovszky, Orsolya | |
Author | Tóvári, József | |
Author | Paku, Sándor | |
Author | Kovács, Ildikó | |
Author | Czirók, András | |
Author | Masri, Bernard | |
Author | Megyesfalvi, Zsolt | |
Availability Date | 2024-08-06T10:56:10Z | |
Availability Date | 2024-08-06T10:56:10Z | |
Release | 2021 | |
uri dc.identifier.uri | | |
Abstract dc.description.abstract | Apelin, a ligand of the APJ receptor, is overexpressed in several human cancers and plays an important role in tumor angiogenesis and growth in various experimental systems. We investigated the role of apelin signaling in the malignant behavior of cutaneous melanoma. Murine B16 and human A375 melanoma cell lines were stably transfected with apelin encoding or control vectors. Apelin overexpression significantly increased melanoma cell migration and invasion in vitro, but it had no impact on its proliferation. In our in vivo experiments, apelin significantly increased the number and size of lung metastases of murine melanoma cells. Melanoma cell proliferation rates and lymph and blood microvessel densities were significantly higher in the apelin-overexpressing pulmonary metastases. APJ inhibition by the competitive APJ antagonist MM54 significantly attenuated the in vivo pro-tumorigenic effects of apelin. Additionally, we detected significantly elevated circulating apelin and VEGF levels in patients with melanoma compared to healthy controls. Our results show that apelin promotes blood and lymphatic vascularization and the growth of pulmonary metastases of skin melanoma. Further studies are warranted to validate apelin signaling as a new potential therapeutic target in this malignancy. | |
Language dc.language | Angol | |
dc.rights | Nevezd meg! CC BY | |
dc.rights.uri | | |
Title dc.title | Apelin promotes blood and lymph vessel formation and the growth of melanoma lung metastasis | |
Type dc.type | folyóiratcikk | |
Date Change | 2024-08-06T10:55:34Z | |
Note dc.description.note | These authors contributed equally: Balázs Döme and Viktória László | |
Scope | 5798 | |
Doi ID dc.identifier.doi | | |
Wos ID dc.identifier.wos | 000629623300072 | |
ID Scopus dc.identifier.scopus | 85102358230 | |
MTMT ID dc.identifier.mtmt | 31917296 | |
Issue Number dc.identifier.issue | 1 | |
abbreviated journal dc.identifier.jabbrev | SCI REP | |
Journal dc.identifier.jtitle | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | |
Volume Number dc.identifier.volume | 11 | |
Release Date dc.description.issuedate | 2021 | |
Pubmed ID dc.identifier.pubmed | 33707612 | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | Állatorvos-tudományi Intézet | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | Mellkassebészeti Klinika | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | Országos Onkológiai Intézet | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | Doktori Iskola | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | Semmelweis Egyetem | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | Egészségfejlesztési és Sporttudományi Intézet | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | Élettani Intézet | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | I. Sz. Patológiai és Kísérleti Rákkutató Intézet | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | Biológiai Fizika Tanszék | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | II. Sz. Patológiai Intézet | |
Author institution dc.contributor.department | Biológiai Fizika Tanszék | |
Author institution dc.contributor.department | Országos Onkológiai Intézet | |
Author institution dc.contributor.department | I. Sz. Patológiai és Kísérleti Rákkutató Intézet | |
Author institution dc.contributor.department | Biológiai Fizika Tanszék | |
Author institution dc.contributor.department | Országos Onkológiai Intézet | |
Author institution dc.contributor.department | Mellkassebészeti Klinika | |
Author institution dc.contributor.department | Országos Onkológiai Intézet | |
Author institution dc.contributor.department | Mellkassebészeti Klinika |
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