Author | Boros, Marianna | |
Author | Magyari, Lilla | |
Author | Török, Dávid | |
Author | Bozsik, Anett | |
Author | Deme, Andrea | |
Author | Andics, Attila | |
Availability Date | 2024-07-30T14:30:34Z | |
Availability Date | 2024-07-30T14:30:34Z | |
Release | 2021 | |
uri dc.identifier.uri | | |
Language dc.language | Angol | |
Title dc.title | Neural processes underlying statistical learning for speech segmentation in dogs | |
Type dc.type | folyóiratcikk | |
Date Change | 2024-07-30T14:26:54Z | |
Note dc.description.note | Funding Agency and Grant Number: Hungarian Academy of SciencesHungarian Academy of Sciences [LP2017-13/2017]; Eotvos Lorand University; European Research Council under the European UnionEuropean Research Council (ERC) [950159]; Bolyai Janos Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of SciencesHungarian Academy of Sciences; New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology from the National Research, Development and Inno-vation Fund [UNKP-20-5]; Thematic Excellence Program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology; National Research, Development and Innovation Of-ficeNational Research, Development & Innovation Office (NRDIO) - Hungary Funding text: This project was funded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (a grant to the MTA-ELTE "Lendud let"Neuroethology of Communication Research Group [LP2017-13/2017] ) , the Eotvos Lorand University, and the European Research Council under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant number 950159) . A.D. was supported by the Bolyai Janos Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the UNKP-20-5 New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology from the source of the National Research, Development and Inno-vation Fund, the Thematic Excellence Program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology, and the National Research, Development and Innovation Of-fice within the framework of the Thematic Excellence Program: "Community building: family and nation, tradition and innovation."We thank the Depart-ment of Neuroradiology at the Medical Imaging Centre of the Semmelweis Uni-versity, Budapest and Rita Ba ji, Barbara Csibra, and Marta Gacsi for training the fMRI dogs. We are grateful to Laura V. Cuaya and Raul Hernandez-Pe?rez for their assistance in the fMRI experiments and Ade?l Konczol for her assis-tance in the EEG experiments. We thank all dog owners and dogs for their participation in the experiments. | |
Scope | 5512-5521.e5 | |
Doi ID dc.identifier.doi | | |
Wos ID dc.identifier.wos | 000734334100010 | |
ID Scopus dc.identifier.scopus | 85121244347 | |
MTMT ID dc.identifier.mtmt | 32475494 | |
Issue Number dc.identifier.issue | 24 | |
abbreviated journal dc.identifier.jabbrev | CURR BIOL | |
Journal dc.identifier.jtitle | CURRENT BIOLOGY | |
Volume Number dc.identifier.volume | 31 | |
Release Date dc.description.issuedate | 2021 | |
Pubmed ID dc.identifier.pubmed | 34717832 | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | Etológiai Tanszék | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | MTA-ELTE Lendület Neuroetológiai Kutatócsoport | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | MTA-ELTE Lendület Lingvális Artikuláció Kutatócsoport | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti és Fonetikai Tanszék | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | MTA-ELTE Összehasonlító Etológiai Kutatócsoport | |
Author institution dc.contributor.department | MTA-ELTE Lendület Neuroetológiai Kutatócsoport | |
Author institution dc.contributor.department | MTA-ELTE Lendület Neuroetológiai Kutatócsoport | |
Author institution dc.contributor.department | MTA-ELTE Lendület Lingvális Artikuláció Kutatócsoport | |
Author institution dc.contributor.department | Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti és Fonetikai Tanszék | |
Author institution dc.contributor.department | Etológiai Tanszék | |
Author institution dc.contributor.department | MTA-ELTE Lendület Neuroetológiai Kutatócsoport |
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