Az aktuális válságok hatása az Európai Unió gyűlölet-bűncselekmények elleni küzdelme
Date: 2022
Subject: Európai Unió
The pandemic has been a global challenge that has caused both direct economic
damages and even more serious indirect social damages. Scapegoating, increasing
socio-economic disadvantages and political gains overlapped, resulting in both
horizontal and vertical expansion of prejudice-motivated acts, in particular hate crimes.
This process has been further reinforced by the war. The European Union has been
quick and effective in identifying harmful trends, aided by the supportive instruments
committed to safeguarding human rights as well as the institutional systems and
practices of the Member States. However, in the early period of the crisis, the lack of
common criminal justice action and the unevenness of Member States’ capacity to take
measures posed a serious challenge. Recognising this, a complex package of
professional measures and was launched to harmonise criminal law and administrative
legislation and to develop and coordinate modern tools for prevention, detection and
victim support. This process, accompanied by the strengthening of the resilience of
local communities and the networking of equality bodies, could create a new framework
for tackling hate crime both within the EU and worldwide.