Author | Héri, Anikó | |
Availability Date | 2023-12-21T09:08:47Z | |
Availability Date | 2023-12-21T09:08:47Z | |
Release | 2021 | |
uri dc.identifier.uri | | |
Language dc.language.iso | magyar | hu_HU |
Title dc.title | Az agrártámogatások főbb jogi és finanszírozási vonatkozásai | hu_HU |
Type dc.type | folyóiratcikk | hu_HU |
Version dc.description.version | megjelent változat | hu_HU |
Language dc.language.rfc3066 | hun | |
Abstract in English dc.description.abstracteng | The legislation of the European Union has a significant impact on domestic legal regulation and economic practice and Hungary as a member state of the Community is obliged to comply with a number of European Union conditions when providing agricultural subsidies. Knowledge and consideration thereof is considered essential for legislators, financiers and farmers alike. It is proposed to develop financing schemes of the agricultural sector within the possibilities of agricultural subsidies considering and in accordance with it in order to help the agricultural entrepreneur maintain and develop their economy by using support. Based on the above, the purpose of my dissertation is to provide an overview on the legal and financing aspects of agricultural subsidies and thereby lay a foundation supporting the process of understanding these factors. In this context, the reference to the de minimis Regulation on State aid on the basis of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, unauthorized and agriculturally authorized versions of State aid, their conditions and the relevant legislative powers, as well as their coherence and trace, will be examined just as the importance, conditions and impact of the agricultural de minimis regulation on the financing of agricultural transactions. The structure of this dissertation also adapts to the above research methodology. Main conclusions and usability are summarized in the last part. | hu_HU |
Journal dc.identifier.jtitle | Jogi Tanulmányok | hu_HU |
Last Page dc.identifier.lpage | 44 | hu_HU |
First Page dc.identifier.spage | 38 | hu_HU |
access dc.rights.access | hozzáférhető | hu_HU |
Class dc.type.genre | publikáció/alkotás | hu_HU |
Type dc.type.resrep | tudományos | hu_HU |
Author dc.contributor.inst | ELTE Állam-és Jogtudományi Kar Agrárjogi Tanszék | hu_HU |
Keywords | agrártámogatás | hu_HU |
Keywords | Európai Unió | hu_HU |
Keywords | állami támogatás | hu_HU |
Keywords | EUMSZ | hu_HU |
Type dc.type.type | folyóiratcikk | hu_HU |
Release Date dc.description.issuedate | 2021 | hu_HU |
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Jogi Tanulmányok [353]