Now showing items 21-22 of 1
Title: Spectra of heavy-light and heavy-heavy mesons containing charm quarks, including higher spin states for $N_f=2+ 1$
Author: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; L, Lellouch; T, Lippert; C, McNeile; Y, Nakamura; D, Pleiter; P, Perez-Rubio; P, Rakow; A., Schafer; G., Schierholz; K.K., Szabo; K.K., Szabo; F., Winter; J., Zanotti
Date: 2011
Submitted: 2020-08-11
We study the spectra of heavy-light and heavy-heavy mesons containing charm quarks, including higher spin states. We use two sets of $N_f = 2 + 1$ gauge configurations, one set from QCDSF using the SLiNC action, and the ...
Title: Sigma term and strangeness content of octet baryons
Author: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; A, Portelli; A, Ramos; A, Schafer; KK, Szabo
Date: 2012
Submitted: 2020-04-07