Browsing by Author "Meszaros, T"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Author: Hogg, David W; Casey, Andrew R; Ness, Melissa; Rix, Hans-Walter; Foreman-Mackey, Daniel; Hasselquist, Sten; Ho, Anna Y Q; Holtzman, Jon A; Majewski, Steven R; Martell, Sarah L
Date: 2016
Submitted: 2020-08-10
Title: Chirality and the origin of atmospheric humic-like substances
Author: Salma, I; Meszaros, T; Maenhaut, W; Vass, E; Majer, Z
Date: 2010
Submitted: 2023-07-21
Title: Discovery of a nitrogen-enhanced mildly metal-poor binary system: Possible evidence for pollution from ...
Author: Fernandez-Trincado, Jose G.; Mennickent, Ronald; Cabezas, Mauricio; Zamora, Olga; Martell, Sarah L.; Beers, Timothy C.; Placco, Vinicius M.; Nataf, David M.; Meszaros, Szabolcs; Minniti, Dante
Date: 2019
Submitted: 2020-09-09
Title: Discovery of Two Rare Rigidly Rotating Magnetosphere Stars in the APOGEE Survey
Author: Eikenberry, Stephen S; Chojnowski, S Drew; Wisniewski, John; Majewski, Steven R; Shetrone, Matthew; Whelan, David G; Bizyaev, Dmitry; Borish, H Jacob; Davenport, James R A; Ebelke, Garrett
Date: 2014
Submitted: 2020-08-10
Title: Exploring Anticorrelations and Light Element Variations in Northern Globular Clusters Observed by the ...
Author: Meszaros, Szabolcs; Martell, Sarah L; Shetrone, Matthew; Lucatello, Sara; Troup, Nicholas W; Bovy, Jo; Cunha, Katia; Garc, null; Overbeek, Jamie C; Allende, Prieto Carlos
Date: 2015
Submitted: 2020-08-10
Title: High-resolution, H band Spectroscopy of Be Stars with SDSS-III/APOGEE: I. New Be Stars, Line Identif ...
Author: Chojnowski, S Drew; Whelan, David G; Wisniewski, John P; Majewski, Steven R; Hall, Matthew; Shetrone, Matthew; Beaton, Rachael; Burton, Adam; Damke, Guillermo; Eikenberry, Steve
Date: 2015
Submitted: 2020-08-10
Title: Infusion Reactions Associated with the Medical Application of Monoclonal Antibodies: The Role of ...
Author: Fulop, T; Meszaros, T; Kozma, GT; Szebeni, J; Jozsi, M
Date: 2018
Submitted: 2022-07-22
Title: The Puzzling Li-rich Red Giant Associated with NGC 6819
Author: Carlberg, Joleen K; Smith, Verne V; Cunha, Katia; Majewski, Steven R; Meszaros, Szabolcs; Shetrone, Matthew; Allende, Prieto Carlos; Bizyaev, Dmitry; Stassun, Keivan G; Fleming, Scott W
Date: 2015
Submitted: 2020-08-10