Browsing by Author "Menyhárd, Dóra K."
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Title: A self-compartmentalizing hexamer serine protease from Pyrococcus Horikoshii: Substrate selection ...
Author: Menyhárd, Dóra K; Kiss-Szemán, Anna Júlia; Tichy-Rács, Éva; Hornung, B; Rádi, K; Szeltner, Zoltán; Domokos, K; Náray-Szabó, Gábor; Szamosi, I; Polgár, L
Date: 2013
Submitted: 2023-07-21
Title: Cryo-EM structure of acylpeptide hydrolase reveals substrate selection by multimerization and a ...
Author: Kiss-Szemán, Anna J.; Stráner, Pál; Jákli, Imre; Hosogi, Naoki; Harmat, Veronika; Menyhárd, Dóra K.; Perczel, András
Date: 2022
Submitted: 2025-01-20
Title: Dynamically encoded reactivity of Ras enzymes: opening new frontiers for drug discovery
Author: Pálfy, Gyula; Menyhárd, Dóra K.; Perczel, András
Date: 2020
Submitted: 2021-08-04
Title: Polymorphic amyloid nanostructures of hormone peptides involved in glucose homeostasis display reversible ...
Author: Horváth, Dániel; Dürvanger, Zsolt; Menyhárd, Dóra K.; Sulyok-Eiler, Máté; Bencs, Fruzsina; Gyulai, Gergő; Horváth, Péter; Taricska, Nóra; Perczel, András
Date: 2023
Submitted: 2024-04-18
Title: Solvent induced amyloid polymorphism and the uncovering of the elusive class 3 amyloid topology
Author: Dürvanger, Zsolt; Bencs, Fruzsina; Menyhárd, Dóra K.; Horváth, Dániel; Perczel, András
Date: 2024
Submitted: 2025-01-10
Title: Structure and catalysis of acylaminoacyl peptidase: closed and open subunits of a dimer oligopeptidase.
Author: Harmat, Veronika; Domokos, Klarissza; Menyhárd, Dóra K; Palló, Anna; Szeltner, Zoltán; Szamosi, Ildikó; Beke-Somfai, Tamás; Náray-Szabó, Gábor; Polgár, László
Date: 2011
Submitted: 2023-07-21
Title: Tumor-Suppressor p53TAD(1-60)Forms a Fuzzy Complex with Metastasis-Associated S100A4: Structural ...
Author: Dudás, Erika F; Pálfy, Gyula; Menyhárd, Dóra K; Sebák, Fanni; Ecsédi, Péter; Nyitray, László; Bodor, Andrea
Date: 2020
Submitted: 2021-08-04