Browsing by Author "Giordano, Matteo"
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
Title: Deconfinement transition and localization of Dirac modes in finite-temperature Z 3 gauge theory on the ...
Author: Baranka, György; Giordano, Matteo
Date: 2022
Submitted: 2024-12-18
Title: Exponential improvement of the sign problem via contour deformations in the 2+1D XY model at non-zero ...
Author: Tulipant, Zoltan; Giordano, Matteo; Kapas, Kornel; Katz, Sandor D.; Pasztor, Attila
Date: 2022
Submitted: 2024-12-16
Title: Exponential reduction of the sign problem at finite density in the 2+1D XY model via contour deformations
Author: Giordano, Matteo; Kapás, Kornél; Katz, Sándor D.; Pásztor, Attila; Tulipánt, Zoltán
Date: 2022
Submitted: 2024-12-19
Title: Lattice simulations of the QCD chiral transition at real baryon density
Author: Borsányi, Szabolcs; Fodor, Zoltán; Giordano, Matteo; D. Katz, Sándor; Nógrádi, Dániel; Pásztor, Attila; Him Wong, Chik
Date: 2022
Submitted: 2025-02-04
Title: Localisation in 2+1 dimensional SU(3) pure gauge theory at finite temperature
Author: Giordano, Matteo
Date: 2019
Submitted: 2020-10-02
Title: Localisation of Dirac modes in finite-temperature Z<inf>2</inf> gauge theory on the lattice
Author: Baranka, György; Giordano, Matteo
Date: 2022
Submitted: 2024-12-16
Title: Localisation of Dirac modes in gauge theories and Goldstone’s theorem at finite temperature
Author: Giordano, Matteo
Date: 2022
Submitted: 2024-12-19
Title: Localization of Dirac Fermions in Finite-Temperature Gauge Theory
Author: Giordano, Matteo; Kovács, Tamás
Date: 2021
Submitted: 2024-07-17
Title: Localization of Dirac modes in finite-temperature Z 2 gauge theory on the lattice
Author: Baranka, György; Giordano, Matteo
Date: 2021
Submitted: 2024-06-06
Title: Localization properties of Dirac modes at the Roberge-Weiss phase transition
Author: Cardinali, Marco; D’Elia, Massimo; Garosi, Francesco; Giordano, Matteo
Date: 2022
Submitted: 2025-01-23
Title: New approach to lattice QCD at finite density: reweighting without an overlap problem
Author: Pásztor, Attila; Szabolcs, Borsanyi; Fodor, Zoltán; Giordano, Matteo; Kornel, Kapas; Katz, Sándor D.; Daniel, Nogradi; Wong, Chik Him
Date: 2022
Submitted: 2024-12-16
Title: Reconfinement, localization, and thermal monopoles in S U ( 3 ) trace-deformed Yang-Mills theory
Author: Bonati, Claudio; Cardinali, Marco; D’Elia, Massimo; Giordano, Matteo; Mazziotti, Fabrizio
Date: 2021
Submitted: 2024-07-19
Title: Trying to constrain the location of the QCD critical endpoint with lattice simulations
Author: Fodor, Zoltan; Giordano, Matteo; Guenther, Jana N.; Kapas, Kornel; Katz, Sandor D.; Pasztor, Attila; Portillo, Israel; Ratti, Claudia; Sexty, Denes; Szabo, Kalman K.
Date: 2019
Submitted: 2020-09-21