Browsing by Author "Miklósi, Ádám"
Now showing items 1-20 of 46
Title: Acquisition and long-term memory of object names in a sample of Gifted Word Learner dogs
Author: Dror, Shany; Miklósi, Ádám; Sommese, Andrea; Temesi, Andrea; Fugazza, Claudia
Date: 2021
Submitted: 2024-07-19
Title: After 150 years of watching: is there a need for synthetic ethology?
Author: Abdai, Judit; Miklósi, Ádám
Date: 2023
Submitted: 2023-07-07
Title: An exploratory analysis of head-tilting in dogs
Author: Sommese, Andrea; Miklósi, Ádám; Pogány, Ákos; Temesi, Andrea; Dror, Shany; Fugazza, Claudia
Date: 2022
Submitted: 2022-12-20
Title: Associations among attitudes towards motherhood, pet-keeping, and postpartum depression symptoms
Author: Temesi, Andrea; Bunford, Nora; Miklósi, Ádám
Date: 2020
Submitted: 2021-08-04
Title: Associations between child mobile use and digital parenting style in Hungarian families
Author: Konok, Veronika; Bunford, Nóra; Miklósi, Ádám
Date: 2019
Submitted: 2020-01-30
Title: Biologically Inspired Emotional Expressions for Artificial Agents
Author: Korcsok, Beáta; Konok, Veronika; Persa, György; Faragó, Tamás; Niitsuma, Mihoko; Miklósi, Ádám; Korondi, Péter; Baranyi, Péter; Gácsi, Márta
Date: 2018
Submitted: 2022-07-22
Title: Chasing perception in domestic cats and dogs
Author: Abdai, Judit; Uccheddu, Stefania; Gácsi, Márta; Miklósi, Ádám
Date: 2022
Submitted: 2023-07-03
Title: Comparing Pears to Apples: Unlike Dogs, Cats Need Habituation before Lab Tests
Author: Uccheddu, Stefania; Miklósi, Ádám; Gintner, Sarolt; Gácsi, Márta
Date: 2022
Submitted: 2025-01-20
Title: Comparing the tractability of young hand-raised wolves (Canis lupus) and dogs (Canis familiaris)
Author: Ujfalussy, Dorottya Júlia; Virányi, Zsófia; Gácsi, Márta; Faragó, Tamás; Pogány, Ákos; Bereczky, Boróka Mária; Miklósi, Ádám; Kubinyi, Enikő
Date: 2020
Submitted: 2021-08-04
Title: Current Trends in Canine Problem-Solving and Cognition
Author: Miklósi, Ádám; Kubinyi, Enikő
Date: 2016
Submitted: 2022-07-25
Title: Depths and limits of spontaneous categorization in a family dog
Author: Fugazza, Claudia; Miklósi, Ádám
Date: 2020
Submitted: 2020-04-29
Title: Development and validation of the Canine Reward Responsiveness Scale -Examining individual differences ...
Author: Gerencsér, Linda; Bunford, Nóra; Moesta, A; Miklósi, Ádám
Date: 2018
Submitted: 2022-07-25
Title: Did we find a copycat? Do as I Do in a domestic cat (Felis catus).
Author: Fugazza, Claudia; Sommese, Andrea; Pogány, Ákos; Miklósi, Ádám
Date: 2021
Submitted: 2021-08-04
Title: Dogs can sense weak thermal radiation
Author: Bálint, Anna; Andics, Attila; Gácsi, Márta; Gábor, Anna; Czeibert, Kálmán; Luce, Chelsey M.; Miklósi, Ádám; Kröger, Ronald H. H.
Date: 2020
Submitted: 2020-04-29
Title: Dogs outperform cats both in their testability and relying on human pointing gestures: a comparative ...
Author: Salamon, Attila; Uccheddu, Stefania; Csepregi, Melitta; Miklósi, Ádám; Gácsi, Márta
Date: 2023
Submitted: 2024-04-18
Title: Emotion Attribution to a Non-Humanoid Robot in Different Social Situations
Author: Lakatos, Gabriella; Gácsi, Márta; Konok, Veronika; Brúder, Ildikó; Bereczky, Boróka; Korondi, Péter; Miklósi, Ádám
Date: 2014
Submitted: 2020-04-08
Title: Exploratory study of introducing HPC to non-ICT researchers: institutional strategy is possibly needed ...
Author: Ferdinandy, Bence; Guerrero-Higueras, Ángel Manuel; Verderber, Éva; Rodríguez-Lera, Francisco Javier; Miklósi, Ádám
Date: 2021
Submitted: 2021-08-04
Title: Genetic and Social Transmission of Parental Sex Roles in Zebra Finch Families
Author: Morvai, Boglárka; Fazekas, Emese Alexandra; Miklósi, Ádám; Pogány, Ákos
Date: 2022
Submitted: 2022-01-07
Title: Hogyan hat a mobileszköz-használat az óvodások figyelmére és társas-kognitív készségeire?
Author: Konok, Veronika; Peres, Krisztina; Ferdinandy, Bence; Jurányi, Zsolt; Bunford, Nóra; Ujfalussy, Dorottya Júlia; Réti, Zsófia; Kampis, György; Miklósi, Ádám
Date: 2020
Submitted: 2021-07-02
Title: Housing, Husbandry and Welfare of a “Classic” Fish Model, the Paradise Fish (Macropodus opercularis)
Author: Rácz, Anita; Adorján, Gábor; Fodor, Erika; Sellyei, Boglárka; Tolba, Mohammed; Miklósi, Ádám; Varga, Máté
Date: 2021
Submitted: 2024-08-02