CEE’s Plans for a Resilient Integration with the EU
Date: 2021
Subject: Foreign policy resilience
white nationalism
systemic discriminative order
feudal state
feudal diaspora
white nationalism
systemic discriminative order
feudal state
feudal diaspora
The European Union (EU) has a hierarchy of
integration processes and priorities, in the scope of an ever-expanding
empire. States in the EU are not equal, especially in their function and
assigned roles. In the ever-changing architecture of international order
there is a lot of teamwork, sometimes ad hoc and sometimes coordinated.
At a regional context, the EU integration process also takes place with the
assignment of role-playing, to organize the expansion of the EU. Its
favoured instrument of integration was the market. But as China gained
control of this market system, the EU is abandoning it in favour of classical
geopolitical forms of integration, which might reinstate a degree of
belligerence in Europe. The decisive factor in the processes will be the role
played by Central and Eastern European (CEE) members of the EU. There
are stark differences between CEE countries, but consensus is emerging
unto a new Eastern model of integration and reconstruction at national, EU
and Transatlantic levels. This will have a profound impact on concepts like
sovereignty, nation-state, and the whole idea of integration. After a brief
appraisal of theoretical concepts like integration and sovereignty, the study
will sketch the Eastern model and the EU integration process.
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