Browsing The AnaChronisT by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 324
Title: Northrop Frye and Contemporary Literary Theory
Author: Kenyeres, János
Date: 1988
Submitted: 2022-06-21
Title: Word and Image in the 'General Prologue' to the Canterbury Tales
Author: Darózcy, Anikó
Date: 1995
Submitted: 2022-06-20
Title: The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Author: Szigeti, András
Date: 1995
Submitted: 2022-06-20
Title: Epistemology and Existential Thought in Virginia Woolf's Mature Novels
Author: Frank, Orsolya
Date: 1995
Submitted: 2022-06-21
Title: The Narrative in Danger — Endangered Narrators or Four Sceptical Narratives
Author: Mihály, Árpád
Date: 1995
Submitted: 2022-06-20
Title: Narrational Dialectic in Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist
Author: Gáborjáni Szabó, Réka
Date: 1995
Submitted: 2022-06-21
Title: The Universe in Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles and Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre
Author: Kiss, Eszter
Date: 1995
Submitted: 2022-06-20
Title: Burgess Re Joyce or Burgess De-Joyced?
Author: Farkas, Ákos
Date: 1995
Submitted: 2022-06-21