Predatory Nations at the heart of the Indian Federation
Date: 2019
Subject: Predator-Nation
Predator Diasporas
Indian Federal Structure
dysfunctional democracy
Civilizational South Asia
Predator Diasporas
Indian Federal Structure
dysfunctional democracy
Civilizational South Asia
MTMT: 30829914
Domination in South Asia is explained through the double prisms of foreign colonialism and the caste system. It is deemed by an overwhelming percentage of historians and experts that South Asian history can be explained through these two filters. Indeed, there is some truth to this but it is my hypothesis that a much more dangerous form of domination exists that has for long gone unnoticed. After careful observation one can discern a highly sophisticated and deeply entrenched form of domination resulting
from the competition between what we can call: Predator Nations. It is my conviction, until proven wrong, that the division of civilizational South Asia in 1947 and the consequent cycles of national consolidations have been a tailor-made opportunity for Predator Nations to feed upon the dismantled and disarmed nations that were not ready for either disintegration or reintegration. Although this process was in the making over several centuries, as predator nations established their diasporic power bases, it is
only since 1947 that there is no paramount power to keep these predator nations at bay. In a sense, the creation of new national borders in 1947 was nothing more than the creation of fences within which predator nations can prey, unhindered. If my thesis is right, the historic trends point to a situation where the conflict between the predator nations could come into the open. This points to tensions and risks of disintegration, creating further disturbances in the peaceful resurgence of the South Asian Civilization at a crucial juncture of world history.