Browsing További publikációk, alkotások (ÁJK) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
Title: Az autonóm jogállású államigazgatási szervek
Author: dr. Fazekas, János
Date: 2005
Submitted: 2021-06-10
Title: Alkotmányos alapok
Author: Láposy, Attila; Pozsár-Szentmiklósy, Zoltán; Somody, Bernadette; Vissy, Beatrix
Date: 2015
Submitted: 2023-12-01
Title: The latest wave of administrative and territorial reform in Albania: the role of political actors
Author: Xhindi, Nevila; Bessa Vilela, Noemia
Date: 2023
Submitted: 2023-10-29
Title: Problems of public policies in the field of energy sustainability
Author: Baťa, Robert; Šmíd, Martin; Kovářová, Barbora; Bohadlo, David
Date: 2023
Submitted: 2023-10-29
Title: The legal framework for local government coordination in Romania
Author: Dima Murphy, Anthony Matthew; Ghencea, Flavia
Date: 2023
Submitted: 2023-10-29
Title: Platform centralisation: a new form of coordination?
Author: Hoffman, István
Date: 2023
Submitted: 2023-10-29
Title: Electronic voting as tool to reduce unequal voter turnout in the Czech Republic
Author: Kuba, Ondřej; Stejskal, Jan
Date: 2023
Submitted: 2023-10-29
Title: The role of political leaders in handling COVID-19: the case of Slovakia
Author: Jakuš Muthova, Nikoleta; Murray Svidroňová, Mária
Date: 2023
Submitted: 2023-10-29
Title: The European Court of Justice as political actor in intergovernmental coordination
Author: Fazekas, János
Date: 2023
Submitted: 2023-10-29
Title: Political actors in designing social investment policies on territorial level: the case of social ...
Author: Bučaitė-Vilkė, Jurga
Date: 2023
Submitted: 2023-10-29
Title: Typologies and mapping of the institutional actors involved in the Youth Guarantee (YG) program. ...
Author: Neagu, Gabriela
Date: 2023
Submitted: 2023-10-29
Title: Political Actors in Intergovernmental Coordination: Perspectives and Priorities
Author: Bessa Vilela, Noémia (ed.); Kapidžić, Damir (ed.); Ruel, Teresa (ed.); Uster, Anna (ed.); Hoffman, István (ed.)
Date: 2023
Submitted: 2023-10-29
Title: The role of artificial intelligence in the functioning of public administrations, with particular ...
Author: Bencsik, András
Date: 2023
Submitted: 2023-10-29
Title: Media, Communication, Law. Cases, Materials and Texts for Monroe E. Price Media Law Moot Court
Author: Gosztonyi, Gergely
Date: 2024
Submitted: 2025-01-10