Author | B, Pozsgay | |
Author | I M, Szécsényi | |
Author | G, Takács | |
Availability Date | 2020-08-10T10:52:48Z | |
Availability Date | 2020-08-10T10:52:48Z | |
Release | 2015 | |
ID dc.identifier | ||
uri dc.identifier.uri | | |
Language dc.language | Angol | |
Title dc.title | Exact finite volume expectation values of local operators in excited states | |
Type dc.type | folyóiratcikk | |
Date Change | 2020-05-29T13:52:03Z | |
Note dc.description.note | Funding Agency and Grant Number: INFNIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare; Campus Hungary Scholarship; European UnionEuropean Union (EU) [317089]; Hungarian Academy of SciencesHungarian Academy of Sciences [LP2012-50/2014] Funding text: IMSZ is grateful to Roberto Tateo for the help with excited state TBA numerics and his hospitality in Turin, and also to the INFN and Campus Hungary Scholarship for financial support of the visit. IMSZ was also supported by funding from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013/ under REA Grant Agreement No 317089 (GATIS). BP and GT were supported by the Momentum grant LP2012-50/2014 of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. MTA-BME “Momentum” Statistical Field Theory Research Group, Budafoki út 8, Budapest, 1111, Hungary Department of Mathematical Sciences, Durham University, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE, United Kingdom Institute of Theoretical Physics, Eötvös Loránd University, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A, Budapest, 1117, Hungary Department of Theoretical Physics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budafoki út 8, Budapest, 1111, Hungary Cited By :14 Export Date: 8 February 2020 Correspondence Address: Takács, G.; MTA-BME “Momentum” Statistical Field Theory Research Group, Budafoki út 8, Hungary | |
Doi ID dc.identifier.doi | 10.1007/JHEP04(2015)023 | |
Wos ID dc.identifier.wos | 000352683200001 | |
ID Scopus dc.identifier.scopus | 84927605458 | |
MTMT ID dc.identifier.mtmt | 2876683 | |
Release Date dc.description.issuedate | 2015 | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | Elméleti Fizika Tanszék | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | MTA-ELTE Elméleti Fizikai Kutatócsoport | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | MTA-BME Lendület Statisztikus Térelméleti Kutatócsoport | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | Fizika Doktori Iskola | |
department of Author dc.contributor.institution | Elméleti Fizikai Tanszék | |
Author institution dc.contributor.department | MTA-BME Lendület Statisztikus Térelméleti Kutatócsoport | |
Author institution dc.contributor.department | Elméleti Fizikai Tanszék | |
Author institution dc.contributor.department | MTA-BME Lendület Statisztikus Térelméleti Kutatócsoport |
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