Influence of the Polyakov loop on the chiral phase transition in the two flavor chiral quark model
The SU(2)L×SU(2)R chiral quark model consisting of the (σ,π⃗) meson multiplet and the constituent quarks propagating on the homogeneous background of a temporal gauge field is solved at finite temperature and quark baryon chemical potential μq using an expansion in the number of flavors Nf, both in the chiral limit and for the physical value of the pion mass. Keeping the fermion propagator at its tree level, several approximations to the pion propagator are investigated. These approximations correspond to different partial resummations of the perturbative series. Comparing their solution with a diagrammatically formulated resummation relying on a strict large-Nf expansion of the perturbative series, one concludes that only when the local part of the approximated pion propagator resums infinitely many orders in 1/Nf of fermionic contributions a sufficiently rapid crossover transition at μq=0 is achieved allowing for the existence of a tricritical point or a critical end point in the μq-T phase diagram. The renormalization and the possibility of determining the counterterms in the resummation provided by a strict large-Nf expansion are investigated.