Selected Examples of Potential Early Cartographic Data Sources for the Carpathian Basin
Date: 2015
Colligatum head record: urn:issn:0560-4613
MTMT: 2992378
In our present study, we would like to draw attention to some early graphic data sources that could provide thematic
information for GIS applications focusing on the Carpathian Basin. There is one map in particular that stands out from
the works listen in this study. The map Tabula Hungariae by Script Lázár, listed in the UNESCO Memory of the World
Registry, is considered to mark the beginning of Hungarian geography. Other early maps were also undeservedly neglected
in recent thematic applications. It is our hope that future geo-graphic studies will start with Lázár’s map and
that historical maps will become a more signifi cant part of GIS applications.