A beszédpercepció tényezői, fejlesztésének lehetősége óvodás és kisiskolás korban
Date: 2014
Subject: beszédpercepció
percepciós elmaradás
alternatív fejlesztési lehetőség
percepciós elmaradás
alternatív fejlesztési lehetőség
The Factors and Development Possibilities of Speech Perception in
Kindergarten and Junior School
Learning difficulties, reading and writing disturbances may be caused by perceptual deficits.
Frequently, such causes are in the background of attention disorder, behavioural and psychic
problems which, due to lack of accurate diagnosis and therapy, may expand to adulthood.
Experience shows that a great number of children start elementary school at a level of speech
perception and comprehension not reaching the expected threshold. As several study results call
attention to the deficits of speech perception and comprehension, as well as the significance of
development and prevention, an individual development process has been devised. The purpose of
the present study is to introduce an alternative development possibility that is also applicable in
larger groups. Furthermore, the thesis attempts to survey how the perceptual indicators of
kindergarten and junior school children with typical development may be altered with targeted