Lombardic ornaments from San Mauro cemetery at Cividale, Italy
Date: 2024
Subject: Lombards
gold cross
gold cross
A group of very significant Lombardic ornaments from the cemetery of San Mauro at Cividale del Friuli (Udine) in Italy has been examined and analysed with X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The objects are now part of the collections of the National Museum of Cividale del Friuli. Among the objects there are several so-called stirrup or radiate-head bow fibulae, one of which also shows an interesting cloisonné decoration, an S-shaped fibula with cloisonné, a unique gilded and nielloed equal-armed fibula with two opposite faces or masks, belt buckles and belt plates, a necklace with gold pendants with filigree and granulation, a vessel of probable Byzantine origin and a golden cross. The composition and the production technology of the single pieces are discussed in detail in the paper with relevant comparisons.