Browsing Matematika Doktori Iskola by Submit Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 108
Title: Searching for efficient numerical methods for the optimization of large kinetic reaction mechanisms
Author: Goitom, Simret Kidane
Date: 2023
Submitted: 2024-10-16
Title: Theoretical and computational investigation of Richardson extrapolation
Author: Bayleygen Matebie, Teshome
Date: 2023
Submitted: 2024-09-04
Title: Markov Chain-Based Cost-Optimal Control Charts with Applications in Health Care
Author: Dobi, Balázs
Date: 2022
Submitted: 2024-04-16
Title: Introductory didactic analysis of the Pósa method: A study on the task design of an inquiry-based ...
Author: Katona, Dániel
Date: 2022
Submitted: 2024-04-12
Title: The face structure of ball polyhedra and soft density of ball packings in R3
Author: Mezal Araibi Almohammad, Sami
Date: 2022
Submitted: 2024-03-26
Title: Augmentation problems in count matroids and globally rigid graphs
Author: Mihálykó, András
Date: 2022
Submitted: 2024-03-18
Title: The Investigation of ESQ Group Representations
Author: Wolosz, János
Date: 2021
Submitted: 2023-06-19
Title: Investigating space-dependent epidemic models and the collapse of Easter Island
Author: Takács, Bálint Máté
Date: 2021
Submitted: 2023-02-08
Title: A derivált fogalma és az alapvető függvény-tulajdonságok közötti kapcsolat megértésének elemzése ...
Author: Burian, Hana Virginia
Date: 2021
Submitted: 2023-02-02
Title: Legendrian Knots and Knot Invariants
Author: Földvári, Viktória Andrea
Date: 2022
Submitted: 2023-02-02
Title: Random graphs with multiple type edges: asymptotic properties and epidemic spread
Author: Rozner, Bence Péter
Date: 2022
Submitted: 2023-02-02
Title: Stochastic correlation for asset pricing and credit derivative products
Author: Kumar, Ashish
Date: 2020
Submitted: 2022-04-06
Title: Bounds and spectrum results in Galois geometry and coding theory
Author: Fancsali Szabolcs levente
Date: 2011
Submitted: 2021-08-04
Title: Theoretcal and Numerical Analysis of Operator Splitting Procedures
Author: Csomós Petra
Date: 2007
Submitted: 2021-08-04
Title: Lorentz-sokaságok exponenciális leképezései
Author: Szeghy Dávid
Date: 2008
Submitted: 2021-08-04
Title: Constructional Methods in Finite Projective Geometry
Author: Mengyán Csaba
Date: 2008
Submitted: 2021-08-04
Title: Abel-féle csoportmennyiségek aszimptotikus kapcsolata
Author: Podoski Károly
Date: 2007
Submitted: 2021-08-04
Title: Graph packings and the degree prescribed subgraph problem
Author: Szabó Jácint
Date: 2006
Submitted: 2021-08-04