Browsing by Author "Bloemen, S"
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Title: A Gravitational-wave Measurement of the Hubble Constant Following the Second Observing Run of Advanced ...
Author: Abbott, BP; Abbott, R; Abbott, TD; Abraham, S; Acernese, F; Ackley, K; Adams, C; Adhikari, RX; Adya, VB; Affeldt, C
Date: 2021
Submitted: 2024-08-14
Title: Costantino Serbano Principe di Valacchia &.
Author: Bianchi, Giosuè (1803-1875); Bloemen, Adriaen van (1639-1694 után)
Date: 1662
Submitted: 2013-11-21
Title: Erzherzog Ferdinand Carl
Author: Meyssens, Cornelis (1640 előtt - 1673 után); Bloemen, Adriaen van (1639-1694 után)
Date: 1660
Submitted: 2013-09-27
Title: GW170817: Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Neutron Star Inspiral
Author: Abbott, B P; Abbott, R; Abbott, T D; Acernese, F; Ackley, K; Adams, C; Adams, T; Addesso, P; Adhikari, R X; Adya, V B
Date: 2017
Submitted: 2020-08-08
Title: Haly Agha General de Giannizzari
Author: Meyssens, Cornelis (1640 előtt - 1673 után); Bloemen, Adriaen van (1639-1694 után)
Date: 1660
Submitted: 2013-09-27
Title: Kior Assan Pascia
Author: Bonacina; Bloemen, Adriaen van (1639-1694 után)
Date: 1660
Submitted: 2013-09-27
Title: Kutschiut Meheumet Pascia di Varadino
Author: Meyssens, Cornelis (1640 előtt - 1673 után); Bloemen, Adriaen van (1639-1694 után)
Date: 1660
Submitted: 2013-09-27
Title: Low-frequency variations of unknown origin in the Kepler delta Scuti star KIC 5988140 = HD 188774
Author: Lampens, P; Tkachenko, A; Lehmann, H; Debosscher, J; Aerts, C; Beck, PG; Bloemen, S; Kochiashvili, N; Derekas, A; Smith, JC
Date: 2013
Submitted: 2020-08-10
Title: Nicoló Draskowich conte perpetuo...
Author: Meyssens, Cornelis (1640 előtt - 1673 után); Bloemen, Adriaen van (1639-1694 után)
Date: 1660
Submitted: 2013-09-27
Title: Population Properties of Compact Objects from the Second LIGO-Virgo Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog
Author: Abbott, BP; Abbott, R; Abbott, TD; Abraham, S; Acernese, F; Ackley, K; Adams, C; Adhikari, RX; Adya, VB; Affeldt, C
Date: 2021
Submitted: 2024-08-14
Title: Spectroscopic confirmation of the binary nature of the hybrid pulsator KIC 5709664 found with the ...
Author: Derekas, A; Murphy, S J; D’alya, G; Szab’o, R; Borkovits, T; B’okon, A; Lehmann, H; Kinemuchi, K; Southworth, J; Bloemen, S
Date: 2019
Submitted: 2020-08-08
Title: Ussain Pascia di Temizvár
Author: Meyssens, Cornelis (1640 előtt - 1673 után); Bloemen, Adriaen van (1639-1694 után)
Date: 1660
Submitted: 2013-09-27