Browsing by Author "Zahorecz, Sarolta"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Title: A CO survey on a sample of Herschel cold clumps
Author: Feher, O; Juvela, M; Lunttila, T; Montillaud, J; Ristorcelli, I; Zahorecz, S; Toth, LV
Date: 2017
Submitted: 2020-08-08
Title: An all-sky Support Vector Machine selection of WISE YSO Candidates
Author: Marton, G; Tóth, LV; Paladini, R; Kun, M; Zahorecz, S; McGehee, P; Kiss, Cs
Date: 2016
Submitted: 2020-08-10
Title: A csillagkeletkezési folyamat kezdete. A különösen hideg csillagközi anyag szerkezeti elemei és a ...
Author: Zahorecz, Sarolta
Date: 2016
Submitted: 2017-06-13
Title: Galactic cold cores
Author: Juvela, M; Ristorcelli, I; Pagani, L; Doi, Y; Pelkonen, VM; Marshall, DJ; Bernard, JP; Falgarone, E; Malinen, J; Marton, G
Date: 2012
Submitted: 2020-08-11
Title: Galactic foreground of gamma-ray bursts from AKARI Far-Infrared Surveyor
Author: Toth, L. Viktor; Doi, Yasuo; Zahorecz, Sarolta; Pinter, Sandor; Racz, Istvan I.; Bagoly, Zsolt; Balazs, Lajos G.; Horvath, Istvan; Kiss, Csaba; Kovács, Tímea
Date: 2019
Submitted: 2020-09-21
Title: Multi-scale analysis of the Monoceros OB 1 star-forming region. I. The dense core population
Author: Montillaud, Julien; Juvela, Mika; Vastel, Charlotte; He, Jinhua; Liu, Tie; Ristorcelli, Isabelle; Eden, David J.; Kang, Sung-ju; Kim, Kee-Tae; Koch, Patrick M.
Date: 2019
Submitted: 2020-08-08
Title: Multi-scale analysis of the Monoceros OB 1 star-forming region. II. Colliding filaments in the Monoceros ...
Author: Montillaud, Julien; Juvela, Mika; Vastel, Charlotte; He, Jinhua; Liu, Tie; Ristorcelli, Isabelle; Eden, David J.; Kang, Sung-ju; Kim, Kee-Tae; Koch, Patrick M.
Date: 2019
Submitted: 2020-08-08
Title: Multiwavelength study of the high-latitude cloud L1642: Chain of star formation
Author: Malinen, J; Juvela, M; Zahorecz, S; Rivera-Ingraham, A; Montillaud, J; Arimatsu, K; Bernard, J-P; Doi, Y; Haikala, LK; Kawabe, R
Date: 2014
Submitted: 2020-08-10
Title: Physical properties of Galactic Planck cold cores revealed by the Hi-GAL survey
Author: Zahorecz, S; Jimenez-Serra, I; Wang, K; Testi, L; Tóth, L V; Molinari, S
Date: 2016
Submitted: 2020-08-10