Browsing by Author "Annis, J"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Title: A survey of z > 5.7 quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. III. Discovery of five additional quasars
Author: Fan, XH; Hennawi, JF; Richards, GT; Strauss, MA; Schneider, DP; Donley, JL; Young, JE; Annis, J; Lin, H; Lampeitl, H
Date: 2004
Submitted: 2020-08-08
Title: Detecting clusters of galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. I. Monte Carlo comparison of cluster ...
Author: Kim, R S J; Kepner, J V; Postman, M; Strauss, M A; Bahcall, N A; Gunn, J E; Lupton, R H; Annis, J; Nichol, R C; Castander, F J
Date: 2002
Submitted: 2020-08-08
Title: Early-type galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. IV. Colors and chemical evolution
Author: Bernardi, M; Sheth, R K; Annis, J; Burles, S; Finkbeiner, D P; Lupton, R H; Schlegel, D J; Subbarao, M; Bahcall, N A; Blakeslee, J P
Date: 2003
Submitted: 2020-08-08
Title: Evidence for reionization at z similar to 6: Detection of a Gunn-Peterson trough in a z=6.28 quasar
Author: Becker, R H; Fan, X H; White, R L; Strauss, M A; Narayanan, V K; Lupton, R H; Gunn, J E; Annis, J; Bahcall, N A; Brinkmann, J
Date: 2001
Submitted: 2020-08-08
Title: Five high-redshift quasars discovered in commissioning imaging data of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Author: Zheng, W; Tsvetanov, Z I; Schneider, D P; Fan, X H; Becker, R H; Davis, M; White, R L; Strauss, M A; Anderson, J E; Annis, J
Date: 2000
Submitted: 2020-08-08
Title: High-redshift quasars found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey commissioning data. III. a color-selected ...
Author: Fan, X H; Strauss, M A; Richards, G T; Newman, J A; Becker, R H; Schneider, D P; Gunn, J E; Davis, M; White, R L; Lupton, R H
Date: 2001
Submitted: 2020-08-08
Title: High-redshift quasars found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey commissioning data. IV. Luminosity function ...
Author: Fan, X H; Strauss, M A; Schneider, D P; Gunn, J E; Lupton, R H; Becker, R H; Davis, M; Newman, J A; Richards, G T; White, R L
Date: 2001
Submitted: 2020-08-08
Title: Identification of A-colored stars and structure in the halo of the milky way from Sloan Digital Sky ...
Author: Yanny, B; Newberg, H J; Kent, S; Laurent, Muehleisen S A; Pier, J R; Richards, G T; Stoughton, C; Anderson, J E; Annis, J; Brinkmann, J
Date: 2000
Submitted: 2020-08-08
Title: The application of photometric redshifts to the SDSS early data release
Author: Csabai, I; Budavari, T; Connolly, A J; Szalay, A S; Gyory, Z; Benitez, N; Annis, J; Brinkmann, J; Eisenstein, D; Fukugita, M
Date: 2003
Submitted: 2020-08-08
Title: The cut-and-enhance method: Selecting clusters of galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey commiss ...
Author: Goto, T; Sekiguchi, M; Nichol, RC; Bahcall, NA; Kim, RSJ; Annis, J; Ivezic, Z; Brinkmann, J; Hennessy, GS; Szokoly, GP
Date: 2002
Submitted: 2020-08-08
Title: The discovery of a high-redshift quasar without emission lines from Sloan Digital Sky Survey commiss ...
Author: Fan, X H; Strauss, M A; Gunn, J E; Lupton, R H; Carilli, C L; Rupen, M P; Schmidt, G D; Moustakas, L A; Davis, M; Annis, J
Date: 1999
Submitted: 2020-08-08
Title: The discovery of a second field methane brown dwarf from Sloan Digital Sky Survey commissioning data
Author: Tsvetanov, Z I; Golimowski, D A; Zheng, W; Geballe, T R; Leggett, S K; Ford, H C; Davidsen, A F; Uomoto, A; Fan, X H; Knapp, G R
Date: 2000
Submitted: 2020-08-08
Title: The sloan digital sky survey u-band galaxy survey: luminosity functions and evolution
Author: Baldry, I K; Glazebrook, K; Budavari, T; Eisenstein, D J; Annis, J; Bahcall, N A; Blanton, M R; Brinkmann, J; Csabai, I; Heckman, T M
Date: 2005
Submitted: 2020-08-08
Title: Weak-lensing measurements of 42 SDSS/RASS galaxy clusters
Author: Sheldon, E S; Annis, J; Bohringer, H; Fischer, P; Frieman, J A; Joffre, M; Johnston, D; Mckay, T A; Miller, C; Nichol, R C
Date: 2001
Submitted: 2020-08-08