Browsing by Author "Heckman, T"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Title: Broad absorption line quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey with VLA first radio detections
Author: Menou, K; Vanden, Berg D E; Kim, R S J; Knapp, G R; Richards, G T; Strateva, I; Fan, X H; Gunn, J E; Hall, P B; Heckman, T
Date: 2001
Submitted: 2020-08-08
Title: Early-type galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. IV. Colors and chemical evolution
Author: Bernardi, M; Sheth, R K; Annis, J; Burles, S; Finkbeiner, D P; Lupton, R H; Schlegel, D J; Subbarao, M; Bahcall, N A; Blakeslee, J P
Date: 2003
Submitted: 2020-08-08
Title: Five high-redshift quasars discovered in commissioning imaging data of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Author: Zheng, W; Tsvetanov, Z I; Schneider, D P; Fan, X H; Becker, R H; Davis, M; White, R L; Strauss, M A; Anderson, J E; Annis, J
Date: 2000
Submitted: 2020-08-08
Title: VLT optical and near-infrared observations of the z=6.28 quasar SDSS J1030+0524
Author: Pentericci, L; Fan, XH; Rix, HW; Strauss, MA; Narayanan, VK; Richards, GT; Schneider, DP; Krolik, J; Heckman, T; Brinkmann, J
Date: 2002
Submitted: 2020-08-08