Browsing by Author "Marton, G."
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Title: An all-sky Support Vector Machine selection of WISE YSO Candidates
Author: Marton, G; Tóth, LV; Paladini, R; Kun, M; Zahorecz, S; McGehee, P; Kiss, Cs
Date: 2016
Submitted: 2020-08-10
Title: An UXor among FUors: Extinction-related Brightness Variations of the Young Eruptive Star V582 Aur
Author: Abraham, P; Kospal, A; Kun, M; Feher, O; Zsidi, G; Acosta-Pulido, JA; Carnerero, MI; Garcia-Alvarez, D; Moor, A; Cseh, B
Date: 2018
Submitted: 2020-08-07
Title: Ancillary science with Ariel: feasibility and scientific potential of young stellar object observations
Author: Gyürüs, B.; Kiss, Cs.; Morales, J.C.; Nakhjiri, N.; Marton, G.; Ábrahám, P.; Kóspál, Á.; Moór, A.; Szabó, Gy.M.; Szabó, R.
Date: 2022
Submitted: 2024-08-06
Title: Exploring the circumstellar environment of the young eruptive star V2492 Cygni
Author: Kóspál, Á; Ábrahám, P; Acosta-Pulido, JA; Arévalo, Morales MJ; Balog, Z; Carnerero, MI; Szegedi-Elek, E; Farkas, A; Henning, Th; Kelemen, J
Date: 2013
Submitted: 2020-08-11
Title: Gaia Early Data Release 3: Gaia photometric science alerts
Author: Hodgkin, S. T.; Harrison, D. L.; Breedt, E.; Wevers, T.; Rixon, G.; Delgado, A.; Yoldas, A.; Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; van Leeuwen, M.
Date: 2021
Submitted: 2024-08-14
Title: Galactic cold cores
Author: Juvela, M; Ristorcelli, I; Pagani, L; Doi, Y; Pelkonen, VM; Marshall, DJ; Bernard, JP; Falgarone, E; Malinen, J; Marton, G
Date: 2012
Submitted: 2020-08-11
Title: Main-belt Asteroids in the K2 Uranus Field
Author: Molnar, L; Pal, A; Sarneczky, K; Szabo, R; Vinko, J; Szabo, GM; Kiss, C; Hanyecz, O; Marton, G; Kiss, LL
Date: 2018
Submitted: 2020-08-08
Title: Multiwavelength study of the high-latitude cloud L1642: Chain of star formation
Author: Malinen, J; Juvela, M; Zahorecz, S; Rivera-Ingraham, A; Montillaud, J; Arimatsu, K; Bernard, J-P; Doi, Y; Haikala, LK; Kawabe, R
Date: 2014
Submitted: 2020-08-10
Title: Multiwavelength study of the low-luminosity outbursting young star HBC 722
Author: Kóspál, Á; Ábrahám, P; Acosta-Pulido, JA; Dunham, MM; García-Álvarez, D; Hogerheijde, MR; Kun, M; Moór, A; Farkas, A; Hajdu, G
Date: 2016
Submitted: 2020-08-10
Title: Properties of the Irregular Satellite System around Uranus Inferred from K2, Herschel, and Spitzer ...
Author: Farkas-Takacs, A; Kiss, C; Pal, A; Molnar, L; Szabo, GM; Hanyecz, O; Sarneczky, K; Szabo, R; Marton, G; Mommert, M
Date: 2017
Submitted: 2020-08-08
Title: Tidally locked rotation of the dwarf planet (136199) Eris discovered via long-term ground-based and ...
Author: Szakáts, R.; Kiss, Cs.; Ortiz, J. L.; Morales, N.; Pál, A.; Müller, T. G.; Greiner, J.; Santos-Sanz, P.; Marton, G.; Duffard, R.
Date: 2023
Submitted: 2024-12-06
Title: Young stellar clusters in the Rosette molecular cloud
Author: Cambrésy, L; Marton, G; Feher, O; Tóth, L V; Schneider, N
Date: 2013
Submitted: 2020-08-10